Create Digital Experiences that Inspire

Together with our clients, we find digital solutions that everyone can use and understand. Our experts for UX, design and content work together to create innovative campaigns and formats that optimally convey messages and highlight topics.

  • Service + Experience Design

    Our approach fuses customer journeys, in-depth user research and benchmark analyses to design groundbreaking UX/UI strategies. In this way, we create digital experiences for your users that inspire them with maximum quality of use.

  • Information Architecture

    Clear, easy-to-understand information paths improve the user experience and ensure that your content is perceived optimally. To achieve this, we strike a balance between a user-centric information architecture, intuitive navigation structure and efficient content organization.

  • Visual Design + Design Systems

    Create a unique digital identity with us by developing a consistent design language that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also increases the efficiency and brand perception of your applications and solutions. From mock-up and prototype to corporate design.

  • Solution Specification

    Clear roadmaps for seamless implementation that perfectly meets your requirements. With precise process design, functional specifications and technical conceptual designs, we develop detailed solution specifications that transform your vision into a customized, high-performance digital solution.

  • Digital Content + Social Media

    We offer communication and channel strategies that are complemented by creative campaign management, target group-specific content creation in words, images and sound, and influencer campaigning. Reach your target group with us with the perfect message on the right platforms.

  • Digital Marketing

    Our digital marketing solutions combine digital KPI with performance marketing and search engine optimization to optimize your online visibility. With strategic channel management, we increase your reach and generate measurable success for your organization.

Current projects and topics

A man sits at a desk and uses the tablet for research. In the background you can see a large window with a view of a city.

Good design makes democracy

In a democracy, vital information must be equally accessible to all. A very user-friendly digital research tool from the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) for the federal budget fulfills exactly this requirement.

Get to know the Federal Budget Digital tool
An African school class in the classroom. The teacher, standing in front of a blackboard, looks questioningly into the class. A student raises his hand.

Editorial work in the feel-good package

Worldwide content management for over 120 country offices, all from a single source. With a large team, we are responsible for this task so that the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH can carry out effective development cooperation.

This is how we support the online communication of GIZ
The yellow-blue Ukrainian flag overlaid with the face of a woman.

From idea to launch in ten days

When setting up the Germany4Ukraine aid portal, things had to move quickly. With our extensive project experience in the public sector, we supported the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for the Interior (BMI) in this task in an agile and user-oriented manner.

Insights into the Germany4Ukraine project
A camera with preview display films a panel discussion.

Moving image for all channels

Reppelling from a naval helicopter, with the German Meteorological Service on mountain peaks, behind the scenes of the digital poison. With our camera, we are close to the people who move our country.

Learn more about the services of our video unit
A young woman sketches the wireframe of a website on a whiteboard.

User Experience: Shaping digitalization together with users

We stand for interdisciplinary teams and an open mindset. We therefore shape the digital transformation of our clients in agile teams together with our users.

Insights into the field of experience design
A young woman looks at her laptop. She is sitting in a light-filled room with a cup of coffee next to her on the desk.

Networking actors and staging successes

Behind the implementation of the Online Access Act (OZG) are many actors who need to exchange information and network. The Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI) counts on our understanding of clear content so that the sometimes very complex information on digitalization projects is available to everyone.

Mehr zur Redaktionsunterstützung für das Portal lesen

Discover more services

Join us in shaping the digital society of tomorrow!

Anne Pohl, Business Developer at ]init[ AG

Anne Pohl

New Business

+49 30 97006 6103