Supply Chain Due Diligence Act Declaration of principles on respect for human rights and the environment

The law obliges companies based in Germany with at least 1,000 employees to adequately observe human rights and certain environmental due diligence obligations in their own business operations and in the supply chain.

In this context, the Management Board of ]init[ AG für digitale Kommunikation has adopted a declaration of principles on respect for human rights and the environment.

It includes the obligation to respect human rights and environmental concerns within the company's own business activities and in its supply chains, thereby preventing the violation of human rights and environmental protection concerns. 

At the same time, those affected can report such violations to ]init[ via an internal reporting system set up for this purpose and request remedial action.

To the documents

  • Policy Statement Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

    How we respect human rights and the environment. And implement our due diligence obligations in accordance with the LKSG.

  • Supplier code of conduct 

    Content, compliance and implementation of the requirements of our Supplier Code of Conduct.