Supplier Code of Conduct

For ]init[ AG für digitale Kommunikation (hereinafter "]init[" or we), respect for human rights and the environment along the value chain is a key basis for sustainable growth.

We are committed to ecologically and socially responsible corporate management. We expect our employees to observe the principles of ecologically and socially responsible behaviour. 

In order to fulfil these objectives not only in our own business operations, but also along our entire supply chain, we expect our suppliers (a including their executive bodies, employees, representatives, subcontractors and sales partners) to comply with all applicable domestic, foreign and inter national legal provisions.

In particular, we expect our suppliers to

  • comply with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Guidelines on the Rights of the Child and Business Conduct, the core labour standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and applicable national laws and regulations and the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.
  • carefully select their own suppliers whom they commission in the course of their work for ]init[, agree with them the principles listed here or equivalent principles and endeavour to ensure that these principles are observed by their suppliers.
  • act honestly, responsibly and fairly.

Requirements for our suppliers in detail

Social responsibility

  • Recognition of human rights

    Our suppliers respect recognised human rights.

  • Ban on child and forced labour

    Our suppliers do not tolerate child labour, forced labour or other involuntary labour in accordance with the conventions of the ILO. All labour must be voluntary and without threat of punishment.

    Employees must be able to terminate their work or employment relationship at any time. Furthermore, there must be no unacceptable treatment of workers such as psychological hardship, sexual harassment and humiliation.

  • Fair working hours and fair pay

    Our suppliers comply with all applicable national laws and binding industry standards on working hours, including with regard to overtime, breaks and paid holidays.

    Our suppliers remunerate their employees appropriately and in accordance with the applicable laws. Employees must be granted all benefits prescribed by law . Wage deductions as punitive measures are inadmissible.

  • Freedom of association

    The right of employees to form organisations of their choice, to join them , to engage in collective bargaining and to strike must be respected. Employees working with may not be discriminated against on the basis of founding, joining or being a member of such an organisation.

  • Prohibition of discrimination

    The personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of each individual are respected. Our suppliers are committed to equal opportunities.

    Unequal treatment of employees in any form is not permitted unless it is justified by the requirements of employment. This applies, for example, to discrimination based on gender, national, ethnic or social origin, skin colour, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation or identity or other legally protected characteristics. Our suppliers promote a working environment that enables inclusion and in which the diversity of their employees is valued.

  • Safety, occupational health and health protection

    Our suppliers ensure occupational health and safety in the workplace in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations for their employees. All necessary precautionary measures are taken to prevent accidents and damage to health that may arise in connection with their activities. This also includes regular employee training on applicable health and safety standards and the measures implemented by our suppliers in this regard.

  • Preserving the natural foundations of life

    The supplier may not, in violation of legitimate rights, withdraw land, forests or waters whose use secures the livelihood of people.

    Harmful changes to the soil, water and air pollution, noise emissions and excessive water consumption must be avoided, especially if this harms the health of people, significantly impairs the natural basis for the production of food or prevents people from having access to wall-free drinking water or sanitary facilities.

Ecological responsibility

  • Environmental and climate protection and preservation of the natural basis of life

    Our suppliers comply with international standards and legal requirements for environmental and climate protection and establish systems and measures to minimise environmental impact and continuously improve environmental and climate protection. This includes the avoidance of emissions and waste as well as steps to increase resource efficiency.

  • Consumption of raw materials and natural resources

    The use and consumption of resources during the production/provision of the service and the generation of waste of any kind, including water and energy, shall be reduced or avoided, in particular through the use of alternative materials, savings, recycling or by reusing materials.

  • Dealing with energy consumption/efficiency

    Energy consumption should be monitored wherever possible. Economic solutions must be found to improve energy efficiency and minimise energy consumption.

  • Responsible Material procurement

    Our suppliers implement processes in accordance with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.

Ethical business behaviour

  • Fair competition 

    Our suppliers comply with applicable competition and antitrust laws as well as anti corruption regulations and do not enter into any agreements or other activities that influence prices or conditions.

  • Intellectual property

    Intellectual property rights must be respected. Technology and expertise must be transferred in such a way that intellectual property rights are protected.

  • Confidential information

    The exchange of confidential information shall take place on the basis of a confidentiality agreement between ]init[and the supplier. Any exchange of confidential information must be limited to the purpose of fulfilling contractual performance requirements. This also applies to the protection of customer information.

    Our suppliers do not share or disclose confidential information or other proprietary information to third parties, including information about ]init['s products, customers, pricing, costs, expertise, strategies, programmes, processes and practices.

  • Confidentiality/data protection

    Our suppliers observe the right to informational self-determination and confidentiality when processing personal data. When processing (e.g. collecting, storing, transmitting and deleting) personal information, they must comply with the laws on data protection and information security, the official regulations and the requirements of ]init[ or customers of ]init[.

    Trade regulations

    We expect our suppliers to respect all national and international trade laws and regulations on exports, imports, sanctions, customs duties, restrictions and embargoes. We also expect this legal compliance from our suppliers along their own supply chain.

Compliance with the Code of Conduct

This Supplier Code of Conduct describes the requirements and principles for cooperation between ]init[ and its suppliers (contractors, suppliers, service providers and other subcontractors).

The agreement of this Code of Conduct also serves to fulfil ]init['s obligation to implement the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG for short), which has been in force since 1 January 2024.

The aim of the law is to protect human rights and the environment in global supply chains, i.e. both in the company's own business operations and at its direct and, in certain cases, indirect suppliers.

Against this backdrop, the LkSG stipulates, among other things, that the obligated company must contractually anchor prevention measures with its suppliers. This Supplier Code of Conduct serves to fulfil this obligation.

Implementation of the requirements of this Supplier Code of Conduct

We expect our suppliers to identify risks relating to the aforementioned principles within their own supply chains and to take appropriate measures.

In the event of suspected violations and to safeguard supply chains with increased risks, the supplier informs us promptly and, if necessary, regularly about the violations and risks identified and the measures taken.

We reserve the right to check compliance with the requirements of this Supplier Code of Conduct - for example by means of self-disclosure, information from third parties, presentation of certificates and by authorising on-site audits to verify compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct. 

Should a breach of the provisions of this Code of Conduct be detected, ]init[ shall inform the supplier immediately and grant it a reasonable grace period to bring its behaviour into line with these provisions.

If a remedy is not possible in the foreseeable future, the supplier must notify ]init[ immediately and, together with ]init[, draw up a concept with a timetable for ending or minimising the breach. If this grace period expires without result or if the implementation of the measures agreed in the concept does not bring about a remedy after the expiry of the schedule, ]init[ may terminate the business relationship and cancel all contracts, unless a milder remedy is available.

The right to extraordinary cancellation without setting a grace period, in particular in the case of very serious violations, remains unaffected, as does the right to compensation.